mission peru

Friday, July 02, 2010

9-month pregnant missionary disregards doctors orders to Hike the Hill for lost souls!!!! Jennie is a extreme, out-of-the-box God follower. The doctor told her "NO", but her heart told her "GO" She traveled the dusty hills of Huaura sharing God's love with desperate people rejected by society. She doesn't come with religion or church talk....just love, listening, and encourgement. Jennie is a refreshing stream of water in a dry, dusty and desperate land. God is using her to touch many lives and the destiny of a generation. Thank you to Jennie, you are a precious wife and a faithful friend!!!!
Jennie (pictured above 4th from the right) joined team HALO to walk the dusty hills handing out emergency supplies and encouraging forgotten families. (see story below)


We welcomed ISREAL BENDICE HESS into the world today....The latest in a growing number of HALO team members. He is the youngest team member...currently several hours old!!! His name means "A Blessed Wrestle with God" Jennie and I are thrilled to have a half dozen sons to raise up to be leaders. We were all squeeling with Joy as we heard the news and heard little Izzy shouting for the first time. Spencer and I were praying as Jennie was in Labor and we were reading this Scripture:
Isaiah 44:23
Sing for joy, O heavens, for the LORD has done this; shout aloud, O earth beneath. Burst into song, you mountains, you forests and all your trees, for the LORD has redeemed Jacob, he displays his glory in Israel.
Donations flood in for new HALO School!!!
We have been overwhelmed by the support for our new school project in Peru. Our deepest gratitude goes out to our partners, supporters, and members. Our mission, is not only to help the poor, but to break the vicious cycle of poverty, raising up leaders. After spending nearly a year in Peru talking to numerous local experts, we have the following recipe:
Of course there are other ingredients, but most boils down to:
  • Malnourishment- Each child will get a healthy, protein rich meal every day at the school
  • Illiteracy- We will be focusing on early reading and comprehension.
  • Extreme poverty- The children attending the school will be the desperate poor. Most of these families are not able to afford the public education because of the cost. We will have sponsors for the children attending the school as well as helping the mothers earn a little income from the HALO Handicraft Coopertive
  • Family breakdown- Each week we encourage the parents and work with the children. Many simply don't know a different way. They came from abusive families and they abuse. We have seen wonderful success in the short time we have been there. Two women kicked out the man that was abusing them and their children, and one man changed his life and wanted to follow God!!

And so, we are working on the strategy now, It seems that we are simply stepping in to what God wants to do.

Please consider being part of the HALO School project!!! We are over 75% of the way to our Goal of $50,000!!! Our building is already paid for but we still need of $12,000 for the ground work. All donations are tax deductible.

God parents needed!! Just $28/month will send your God child to school and mold him/her into a leader and Christ Follower. What a difference you will make!!

Looking over the location of the new school and feeding center.

Homeless orphan boy sleeps outside!!!! Please help Him!!!
Would you consider helping Robert with a better shelter.
He serves the mission every weekend, yet lives in a little cubby hole, open to the elements.
He is 12-years old, and want to have a better life. Will you take him??

Bloody man rescued in the street!!
It was a scene out of a horor movie.....a man stumbling through the street, covered with blood. He was stumbling and mumbling and was close to getting hit by a car. I helped him to a park bench to find out his son had died that day in the hospital. Most likely he had gotten drunk and fell down. We cleaned him up and he wouldn't stop weeping. It was a privilage to help. Please remember to GO OUT OF YOUR WAY to help someone hurting, alone, or abandoned. YOU ARE GOD'S HANDS AND FEET!!!

Funeral mourning turns to Joy!!
I was invited to an impromtu funeral gathering that was eclipsed with sorrow. Three children lost thier mom, as well as a loving husband. In Peru, being a widow or widower is desvistating on multiple levels. We brought gifts for the family and children and the woman's husband asked me to share. I shared how much GOD loves the family and how he must have felt when Jesus was killed. I shared how each one of them was precious to God and he loved them.....They had never heard about the love of God and His goodness. Then the amazing thing happened.....They began smiling and even laughing......Somehow it turned into a joyous event!!! Nearly a dozen people asked Jesus to come into their life. They now wanted to follow Him!!

God touches hearts through 12 year old boy!!

The poor give to the poorer

The HALO Weavers saved money for 4 months to do an outreach into an even poorer community. This was a dream come true for us. To not only help the desperate poor get back on their feet, but to encourage them that they can give to the poor themselves. We brought soaps, shoes, toothbrushes, medicines, and house hold goods to people living in straw huts without electricity or water. The thing that struck me the most is that the HALO weavers dressed so nice for the occasion!!! You would never have known they were dirt poor themselves! What a blessing for these ladies to be able to give to others. It was the first time in their lives they had ever given to the poor. They were blown away!!! They are already planning the next outreach for September.

First in the History of Peru........Handmade quilts!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Homeless family finds Jesus...
Rescued from the slums!!

Team HALO built an emergency shelter for a desperate family who was living in a shelter made of sticks and bags. "These are our brothers and sisters", I thought, "we cant let them suffer like that." It was the worst conditions any of us have seen in Peru.

Childrens festival brings salvation to dozens of children...And parents!!!

More than a hundred children took part in an afternoon of games, songs, food, gifts, and of course the Gospel of the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ!!! How wonderful it is that the Church of the King would come all the way out to the Hill country and give 2 days to the poorest people in Peru!!!!

Devil boy hears the gospel

Of course, not everyone walks up to a youth gang and strikes up a conversation...especially when they are mocking you when you walk by. ( our family experiences prejudice in Peru all the time, It is normal for people to yell derogatory slang at us) And so, these tough guys were whistling at us and were surprised when I walked up and engaged them face to face. I shared with them how God is always patiently waiting for them. They were also surprised when I shared with them my story....That I was just like them when I was a teen. God touched their hearts and they always want to talk to us now.

Orphan dog finds home

"Finding Nemo" took a new meaning when a stray dog found US at the beach!!!! He promptly adopted us and now we have a pet!!!! He was swimming at the beach, digging up crabs for lunch!! And so, Nemo has become one of the family.

Thank you for sharing your food with the hungry!!!
As you can see, we have run out of room at the feeding center. We have 50-70 hungry children every week come for a healthy meal. For now we put them on the porch, stairs, and street, We just don't have the room. We are trusting God to provide the funds to build a 20 by 40 building that will be used as a school, feeding center, and church. This is a big prayer request for us. Right now we have nowhere to gather the people who WANT to come and learn about Jesus!!!! We are waiting. Please pray that God provides for a building!!!
TEAM HALO expands.
The Lord has brought beautiful brothers and sisters to come along side us to see the Glory of God come to the hills and farms of central Peru. Carlos, Ester, Alli, and Patricia are faithful to go to the mission each weekend to help the poor. We thank God for them!!!!!

Lice outbreak is part of the calling!!!

Living and working with the lowest level of society, it is no surprise that we have contracted lice.

Export quality textiles are here!!!

One would never guess that the purses below were made by widows and orphans living in mud and straw huts. Peruvians are especially amazed when they see the bags. Normally this kind of skill is learned in a lifetime, they have learned it in a few months!!! We give God glory for this. We are currently talking to import attorneys and shipping companies to get the ladies goods into the US. WE NEED A LABEL NAME!!!! so far we have :
  • 99 plus 1

Please help us pick a name!!!!!! The bags have to have a label to be legal and so we need a catchy name that sums up the idea that we help widows and orphans by teaching them to make handbags.

Please pray for the Hess family!! Please Pray for the Hess family as they get close to bringing a new baby into the world. Jennie is settled in and Jordan will be spending time working in the states most of the summer.

400 treated for parasites,

One of the greatest human needs in rural Peru is intestinal parasite medicine. Imagine living with daily diarrhea. This leads to Anemia, which leads to malnutrition, which leads to behavioral problems and problems with brain development. Thank you to our partners and donors who give to make this happen. This year, we have distributed nearly 1000 doses of medicine. To date, we have brought medicines to over 5,000!!!

HALO is offered land for school, orphanage, school !!

The land in this photo is dedicated to bring transformation to the community of Cerro Carmen. We are planning an early reading school, children's home for abandoned children and orphans, a womens shelter for abused women and widows, a church, and a recreation center/soccer court. You can be part of saving a generation and transforming an entire community!!! We only need $40,000!!! And more than 40 children are already waiting!!!! Just think, for the price of a nice SUV, we can build a school, church, and childrens rescue center!! We are waiting and believing God to provide for what He wants to do in Cerro Carmen.

Deaf ear opened...By Accident!!!!

As Carlos was praying for a man who needed healing for back pain, one of his deaf ears instantly opened up!!!! This was testified by the mans wife who was rejoicing. We aren't even sure if the mans back was healed because of the excitement of his ear opening!!!!

Men beg Jesus for forgiveness in the street!!!

A spontaneous prayer broke out in the street as several young men heard of the redeeming power of Jesus. These men had never heard the Gospel!!!!

As you can see, we need lots of prayer partners for this ministry. Prayer is what makes all the difference!!! If you would like to partner financially, you can send checks to: HALO-

397 E.Pioneer Ave, Homer, AK, 99603

For credit card donations, visit: www.GOHALO.org

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Child Hunger is a world-wide problem, and we are pleased to report that every saturday, nearly 100 children recieve a healthy meal at HALO's River of Life mission. Before we feed them, we have a teaching time and prayer. These little ones are eager to learn about Jesus and want to follow Him!!!! Thank you for those who are giving to this mission. Our vision for these little ones is that they grow into a passionate youth church...and continue in thier faith to impact their community, city, nation, and world. Our vision is greater than "helping the poor"....Actually, Jesus made it very clear, we are to : MAKE DESCIPLES!! We are with these children and families every week. We hear testimony after testimony how God has used this ministry to change lives and bring life from death. Thank you to our partners in ministry...Your faithful prayers and support are making a huge impact here in Peru.

Olga gets a clean bill of health after "prayer of faith"
"The doctors say I have a tumor, I am in constant pain, I can't even work, will you pray for me" This was the request from our dear sister Olga. An orphan herself, taking care of 3 children and her orphan brother. My spirit cried out "We can't lose Olga!" Carlos prayed for her and the pain left!!! We then took her to our home so she could see the doctor. We got the tests back and she is completely well. Thank you again Father, for giving Olga a new life, and a new lease on life!!!! Below is Olga, she is a wonderful servant at the mission. She helps prepare the food for the poor!!! Here we have the poor helping the poor...thank you for helping us help them help themselves!!!

Venemous spider bites send 3 Hess boys to Doctor!!!

"Spider bit me....and that really hurt'
We trusted on the Lord as we had oozing, weeping sores from the the bites. Finally crusting over to form large scabs, the spider bites were a sobering reminder to us that we are in a foreign land with no shortage of dangers.

4 day retreat brings 30 youth closer to Christ!
I was invited to minister at a 4 day camping retreat last week. It was a Christian School where Miles takes a few classes. Jenson and I went and both of us became closer to the Lord. I was able to pour into the kids destiny words, encouragement and 2 of the youth made life decisions to follow Christ. One of the boys didn't believe, but God touched him. His mom is a Catholic, His Dad is a budist. Please pray that we will continue to have opportunities like this!!


You may have heard of "Mickey", the boy who was tied up and beaten with a shovel??? Well, His dad was presented the gospel and after being speechless....he recieved the Lord.....Please continue to pray for him....Juan is his name, and he has become one of our friends on the Hill....Yes, we are friends of sinners and shovel beaters!!!!

"Can I call you Papa????"
One of the big treats for the children at the mission is to ride in my car.....and so I try to give them turns.....This week I was touched by a conversation two girls, Milagros and Liz were having in the back seat. They were asking each other what they should call me....Hermano? (brother) Tio? (Uncle), Senor? (Sir)........They couldn't decide......and then one leaned over my shoulder and asked if she could call me Papa (Daddy).

And so....people often ask me...How many children do you have???? These days...it seems the number is in the high 60's....and growing!!!! Our mission mission here in Peru is two-fold:

1) to help the poor by breaking the cycle of poverty

2) To be a Father to the fatherless

If you would like to be part of a childs life here in Peru, We encourage you to sponsor one of the children at the mission. Less than a buck a day feeds them, keeps them in school, Perhaps what is most important is that we are bringing them the Love of Jesus every week, week after week.

Teachers volunteer to teach illiterate women to read and write at the mission!!!!
Classes have already begun and we had 5 illiterate women from our group show up!!! The teachers tell us the ladies will be able to read and write in less than 6 months!!!!! We also are happy to report that we had a gracious donation of stove at our feeding center and we are thrilled.

.....Thoughts on Helping the Poor
We are reminded that Jesus's last words were "Go and make disciples...", Not "Go and help the poor". Let us ask ourselves "What is the point of helping the poor if we are not making "Christ followers""?

In many ways, the church in America has created a "Christian welfare system" We just feel good when we dump a bunch of money, clothes, medicines in some poor country. We feel even better when we see the photos of hungry kids eating, and wearing new sneakers......

This begs the question....is giving to the poor for us, for them, or for HIM???

As you give to this ministry, please know that you are not just giving to the poor, you are giving a CURE!!!

As a matter of fact, the king of the universe had no problem being born in an animal pen, no problem living his entire life without running water or electricity. He didn't care that His friends didn't graduate the third grade. Old sandles were good enough for this King.........But this KING, was intently passionate about making followers of the WAY. Making disciples was His focus, His passion, and is, quite obviously, His will. Your will be done, our God, AMEN

Community turns out for Jesus Film on Good Friday
Close to a hundred come and see the life of Christ, several prayed for salvation at this meeting!

Youth ministry "kicks" off
We have found a strategie to reaching the thugs, theives and tough guys!!!!! Saturday night FUTBALL!!!! It is quite iresistable for them!!!! There are a few in the group who follow Jesus...but most of these kids want nothing to do with religion. "Jesus didn't come to bring religion" we tell them. "He came to save you." "you need Him". A simple message for a simple people. We count it a privelige to share our lives with this group. Perhaps you will want to come and play "soccer for Jesus" We are waiting for you.....

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What part of VICTORY don't you understand!!!!

You don't just stroll into the "LAND OF THE WITCHDOCTORS AND MEDICINE MEN" and start a church......only by the power of the Holy Spirit!!! The light has come into the darkness

3 Families baptized - Lives transformed!!!!
The Lord is continuing to transform lives on Carmen Hill. The mission has grown from a few families to more than a dozen. Each week they come for encouragement, prayer and Gods word. We tell them the strait truth. We teach them Jesus's words and way. This week, Janet gave her heart to the Lord. She had been coming for a month just to check things out, and this week she had a spiritual breakthrough and God answered a prayer she had been praying for 4 years!! The Lord has made himself real to her. She asked us if she got baptized would there be regulations such as what she can eat or what she wears!!!! Wow, what a perspective. We told her we were not there to control her and our only regulation was friendship with God!
Our children are so wonderful to have in this ministry, they have the same Holy Spirit we have, and in the picture above, Jenson said "Dad, I want to pray for the kids that just got baptized that they will always walk in the ways of the LORD!!"
We have also become friends with several men on the Hill and this is an answer to prayer. We will be starting a "men's meeting" next week. I cant hardly believe I'm saying that! Very cool!! So please pray for this because it is huge. Men are the hardest to reach in this nation. It will only be by the Holy Spirits power that these men enter the kingdom so please pray, pray, pray.
UPDATE: WE HAD THE MEETING AND 3 men gave their lives to the Lord!!!!!
New Roof for Mission!
A team from Refuge Chapel Alaska helped put up a roof for our children's center this past Saturday. We had a time of great fellowship and the roof wasn't even finished and there was a group ready to come for prayer and encouragement. Steve Williams shared with the group to "be yourself....God made you to be special and unique" Hal Brandt hopped off the roof and shared the importance of the Word of God daily in your lives. The women were deeply encouraged. We can not understate how much it means to these saints that people would come from half way around the world to work in their community.....They sent off the team with prayers and hugs.........THANKS AGAIN GUYS!!!!

A word on JAVIER
We have known Javier for 5 years now. He has been with us on nearly every outreach. He is a true servant, always helping behind the scenes, We are so happy to have him with us. Please keep him in prayer. He is the one who takes all the wonderful pictures you enjoy.....He is the one keeping an eye on Grahm Fuego as we minister....He is the one fixing my emerging Spanish, He is the one running to the store to get Jennie some diapers, He is the one taking the boys to the park so Jennie and I can study Spanish. In short...He is helping, helping, helping. You will see him in most of the videos. He has become family. He is a born again drug lord, gang leader....and now Jesus uses him on the streets to bring "the real thing" We ask you to consider making a love offering to Him and His ministry.

"Prayer in School"- alive and well in PERU!!!!
It started as a "school check-up" for some of our orphan kids., but ended up being a spontaneous gospel outreach!! One teacher told us in tears... "No one has ever prayed for me in my life." She was so moved that she pulled us from room to room so we could pray for more students and teachers. We are continually amazed at the openness for ministry here....and to be quite honest....this outreach caught us a little by surprise....but we have learned to ALWAYS be ready....ALWAYS be expecting, ALWAYS be sensitive to what the Father is doing. That is when we bring Heaven to Earth. Please remember, someone in your path today needs encouragement, a prayer, or a touch from Heaven.......

Children blessed with school supplies and uniforms!!

The truth is, 20% of the children here don't go to school. The reason: POVERTY. While schools exist, the kids need uniforms and school supplies. And so, it was a hard week for us last week as we had to tell many children "No". And so, with all the wonderful and exciting things we report, we also have this sobering report: Without outside help, many of the wonderful Christian kids at the mission will not receive an education. This of course, sets the cycle of poverty in motion, for generations. As you all know, our mission is to break the cycle of poverty. Please consider a one-time donation for one of the children below:

Keiko, Naidi, Hydol, Robert, Christian, Lizbeth, Hordan, Carlos.........

It's not to late to help: $45 will get a child the uniforms and supplies she needs for an entire year. Log on to http://www.gohalo.org/ and donate now if you wish. We will get the supplies for the kids this weekend, and send you a personal note.

We were, thankfully, able to help many kids in the community with school supplies and uniforms....Thanks to all our partners for being a vital part of this ministry!!

The Poor are Giving to The Poor!!!!

New Pastors at the Mission!

Thank you to all who have been praying with us for a pastor for the mission base. We have affiliated with a church here in Lima and last week they sent out a couple to teach train and minister to the new believers at River of Life Huaura. We shared at their home church how the church needs to raise up, and equip the believers for service in the kingdom. "The poor are rich in faith...they need us and we need them" And so, Carlos and his wife Ester are coming to help at the mission base each weekend. Already it has freed us up more to devote ourselves to prayer and the ministry of the Word!!!! Thank you Jesus!!!!! Estamos muey contento!!!!!

Catholic mayor receives a healing miracle!!!!

He Testifies "I have been praying to the Virgin Mary for 5 years, but Jesus healed me in one moment, with one prayer!!!"

This was our 3rd time to the community of Tres De Mayo, a small village on the coast of Peru, 20 minutes from our mission base in Huaura. The Mayor has given us open invitation to come and share the gospel of the Kingdom. I told him that when as he invites us to bring the Message of Christ, he is inviting Jesus Christ himself. That is when the miracle happened.....After delivering a simple message to the group of 40 people that gathered, Carlos, our new base pastor, prayed for the Mayor.....5 years of back pain, healed instantly by the power and love of Jesus Christ!!!!

Mobbed for bibles....AGAIN!!! We continued praying for the sick and several more also got healed. By know, a group of about 8 women wanted to be born again!!! " I want to know how to have Jesus in my life" one of them asked. We shared with them the Father's great plan of redemption and the Holy Spirit moved in a mighty way. We praise the Father that he has sent us to these "forgotten ones" a simple farming community at the end of a long dirt road......These new believers didn't even have bibles in their homes, and so we offered them each a devotional bible......and little did we know what would happen next...........They were so hungry for the word of Life, they rushed me.......Nearly knocked me over.........grabbing me...........so eager to get their bible!!!!! Yes once again.....we have been.....Mobbed for Bibles!!!!

If you've never experienced anything like this, we invite you to come experience this Incredible Faith we have been entrusted with. God isn't asking for the perfect, Just the willing. The Lord has something for you to do!!!! As you can see, we have more fish then we can fit in the boat....We (or should I say HE) needs more workers!!!! Why not come to Peru and teach new believers the first steps of their faith? Why not come and minister to a desperate widow....why not come and hold an orphaned baby......There is so much you can do here. Please ask the Lord if He would have you come serve Him in Peru!!!!

The Poor are giving to the Poor!! One of the greatest causes of poverty, we believe, is the poverty mindset. And we have incredible news.......Our Coop group has begun GIVING TO THE POOR!!! This past weekend, we got to experience the giving of the widows mite up close, as the women took up an offering to give to bless a desperate family in the community. To give you an idea of who is giving.....take a look at Olga, a wonderful sister in the Lord who lives on less than $100 per month.

BAG LADIES continue to seek the the Lord and the Lord continues to bless the Artist Coop!!!

We currently have close to 20 women working part time in the Co-op! They are grateful that they know have a chance to break free from poverty!!

One of our partners, Hal Brandt, with a widow in the CO-OP

We were asked to be the God parents at a wedding which opened amazing doors into the community......It was the ritziest poor person's wedding imaginable!!!!! Dancing on the dirt floor and eating the goat meat was probably the highlight!!!!! The man is now walking with Christ and wants me to continue to guide him on his path.